Floating Temple

‘Floating Temple’ is a floating platform made up of a modular pontoon system with a small golden temple in the center of its square base. The platform will be used for ritual performance and isolated spiritual contemplation, the temple will on occasion emanate sound or on an evening be radiating with light. Stu Herring will take up residence on the temple to control the sound and light emitted from the temple and also undertake different rituals that will be recorded and presented in later exhibitions and will be available to view live online in either video or VR format.

Within the temple Herring will undergo bouts of meditation as well as extroverted tasks like playing instruments and controlling light displays. Like other spiritual acts the aim is to advance not only the Artist’s understanding of the all but to operate as a focal anomaly, creating an experience that he hopes induces the viewer into a malleable state where their uncertainty or surprise toward the temple becomes an opportunity of sudden enlightenment, an independent burst of reason, a personal moment of reflection.

The temple’s appearance emerges from a second symbolism, like a spiritual rig or an industrial outpost with its pylon type mast, like an oil rig in the distance at sea mysterious only witnessed at distance from passing boats, pulling oil from a sea bed only intimately known by its occupants. The temple pulls energy of a different nature but with the same air of mystique only intimately known by its occupant.

Floating Temple will be demountable, suitable for touring and has the logistical ability to feature in numerous locations, large ponds, lakes, reservoirs, and coastal bays or harbours and other such locations. If you are an event organiser or in charge of a suitable budget please contact us at 

We are also researching the possibility of hosting individual guests to stay on the temple for a very limited set of bookings. Please email expressions of interest to to be included in future information regarding this.